WhatsApp Pricing 2024: New Authentication & International Authentication Rates for India and Indonesia

WhatsApp Business Pricing

WhatsApp has announced new authentication and international authentication rates for businesses in India and Indonesia. The changes took effect in Indonesia on June 1, 2024, and will be implemented in India on July 1, 2024. Current authentication rates for other markets remain unchanged.

According to WhatsApp, the updated pricing reflects the value of the bundled features included with its authentication solution and aims to align with industry standards. The new features, "Customizable message validity period" and "Zero-tap capability", are designed to not only improve the user experience but also allow businesses to effectively manage authentication costs while improving conversion rates.

WhatsApp Business Pricing (in USD):

Category Marketing Utility Service Authentication Authentication-International
India 0.0099 0.0042 0.004 0.0014 0.028
Indonesia 0.0411 0.02 0.019 0.0300 0.136

Authentication Templates

Authentication templates will become available in India on July 1, allowing businesses to authenticate users with one-time passcodes (OTP). Businesses sending OTPs and verification code to users with +91 phone numbers (India) and +62 phone numbers must use an authentication template. The templates consist of optional add-ons such as security disclaimers (eg: “For your security, do not share this code.”) and expiry warnings (eg: “This code expires in 10 minutes.”)

WhatsApp Authentication-1

Best Practices for Using Authentication Templates

  • Before sending OTP or verification code, confirm the WhatsApp phone number of the user.
  • Clearly inform the user that the password/code will be sent to their WhatsApp phone number.
  • When the user inputs the password/code into your app, or your app receives the pass/code as part of the one-tap autofill button flow, clearly inform the user that the app has captured it.


The WhatsApp Business Platform's pricing model caters to diverse business needs through a conversation-based approach. Each WhatsApp Business Account gets 1,000 free service conversations per month, available on all registered business phone numbers, though marketing, utility, and authentication conversations are charged based on the category of template used to start the conversation. The pricing structure ensures businesses can strategically manage their communication efforts while optimizing costs and leveraging WhatsApp for various customer interactions.

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