Reports & Research

Explore our curated collection of industry reports, market research, and thought leadership pieces designed to inform and inspire. Whether you're seeking the latest trends, market forecasts, or in-depth analysis, our comprehensive repository offers a wealth of resources to support your business decisions and strategic planning. Dive in and discover actionable insights to stay ahead in today's dynamic business landscape.


The CXO's Guide to Enterprise Gen AI Adoption

Get the insights you need to lead your enterprise into the future with "The CXO’s Guide to Enterprise Gen AI Adoption 2024," offering strategies, best practices & how Haptik can help.

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Generative AI - The Future of Customer Support

Unlock the future of customer support with our eBook on Generative AI. Explore how the technology is reshaping the customer support landscape, and gain actionable insights to stay ahead of the curve.

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The State of WhatsApp Marketing Report 2024

Get your hands on this eBook, which is a valuable resource for Marketing, CX, and Growth leaders as they strategize for their marketing and growth plans for 2024.

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How JioMart became India’s First WhatsApp Commerce Success Story

Learn how JioMart built India’s first WhatsApp Commerce chatbot enabling users to purchase products through WhatsApp.

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Business Leaders' Guide to Conversational Commerce Platforms

Glean actionable insights on Conversational commerce helping businesses reach more customers, enhance satisfaction and lower costs.

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Win Back Your Abandoned Carts with WhatsApp Chatbots

Explore the power of WhatsApp Retargeting as a winning strategy to recover abandoned carts, and amplify conversions and sales.

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Preparing for the rise in Travel demand in 2023

Online travel retail sales are estimated to reach $1.8 trillion by 2025! Learn how to effectively market to the new travel & hospitality landscape.

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How Is WhatsApp Shaping Commerce?

Learn how WhatsApp is powering the eCommerce revolution 2.0. In this report, we share interesting stats, tips, case studies, and a lot more!

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[Expert's Guide] 3 Steps to Ace your Customer Experience Strategy

This ebook shares learnings and guidelines on setting up your CX curve strategically and driving your success metrics at scale.

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Redefining Retail with WhatsApp Commerce

Get an in-depth understanding of how WhatsApp Commerce is accelerating the growth of the retail industry.

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Uncovering the True ROI of Virtual Assistants Across Industries.

Contemplating investing in a virtual assistant? This whitepaper enables you to evaluate the ROI of an IVA for your industry.

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Customer Experience Transformation for Insurance: An Expert Guide

This guide is an overview of customer experience challenges faced by the insurance sector, and how Conversational AI addresses them.

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How Global Brands Are Elevating Customer Experience with Conversational AI

Read success stories of how global brands across verticals have leveraged Conversational AI to address their customer experience challenges.

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HINT3: Raising the bar for Intent Detection in the Wild

This research paper introduces 3 new datasets that can be used to benchmark NLP accuracy based on real user conversations.

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How Sentiment Analysis in Virtual Assistants Facilitates Service Recovery

This eBook highlights how AI-powered virtual assistants equipped with Sentiment Analysis can aid businesses with service recovery, with a focus on four key use cases.

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8 ways for eCommerce Brands

8 Proven Ways to Implement Conversational Commerce for your eCommerce brand.

Actionable insights to improve engagement, increase cart recovery, and drive sales across the customer journey.

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Experts Outlook on Customer Experience Trends - 2021

An ultimate guide from CxOs and industry veterans with a 5-step playbook on how to transform the Customer Experience landscape for businesses in 2021 and beyond.

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What Insurance Brands Should Keep in Mind While Implementing Conversational AI

Get this comprehensive guide for insurers to understand the benefits of Conversational AI implementation through success stories of insurance brands using AI automation.

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Implementing Conversational AI for Financial Services: An Expert Guide

Get started with Conversational AI using this playbook, which highlights the benefits of implementation, as well as the key features to look out for.

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Intelligence Satisfaction Score (ISAT)

Read the whitepaper to learn all about ISAT and how it delivers actionable insights that truly transform your brand’s customer experience.

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Chatbots to Intelligent Virtual Assistants: The Evolution of Conversational AI

Find out how Intelligent Virtual Assistants (IVAs) differ from chatbots, and the advanced capabilities that make them valuable to brands

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The True Cost of Building an Intelligent Virtual Assistant

This white paper explores the costs and complexities involved in building an Intelligent Virtual Assistant (IVA) solution that comprehensively solves business problems.

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How Virtual Assistants Enhance CX with Clearer Conversations

Read the whitepaper to learn how Intelligent Virtual Assistants can use Disambiguation to clarify user intent, leading to clearer and more productive conversations.

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Conversational AI in Indian Enterprises

A report that details how Indian enterprises have been using Haptik's chatbots and what it has done for their business.

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Start your conversational commerce journey with Haptik